Man, its been quite a year of both art and animations and the fact that a handful of you folks enjoyed both episode 1 and 2 of Beyond the Fog is stellar to see. This Friday will be the release of its third installment, and its basically all done at this point! Took about 5-6 months to do this one, and I feel a lot more comfortable with completing these episodes more efficiently. (Expect this one to be released around the morning time, EST.)
I should also mention the future for the animations I plan to do next year. For Beyond the Fog, there will be a 4th episode released sometime in the summer/fall with the short film Solace following up afterwards. There might even be some little treats spliced in here or there too (Maybe more In Media Res)! Art should also resume too given scheduling lightens up, and I also plan on showing a bit of behind the scenes stuff with BtF as well.
Nonetheless, the continued support with animations from you folks, whether it be by simply watching or supporting monetarily, is amazing. Rest assured, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, and I hope to keep you interested!
- Nine