Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I've been laser-focused on getting the next two episodes (4 & 5) of Chaotic Heart done and ready. The latter might take a month or two more, but the 4th episode should be arriving this Friday!
(Screenshot of Episode 4)
Familiar faces will make the rounds again, and I hope this one will be worth the wait! Episode 5 of Chaotic Heart will sort of being a companion piece to this one, and it's gonna be quite the animated task. Hoping to get it out by the end of this Summer (likely July)!
(Progress shot of Episode 5. Amber seems to have a lot of screen time, lol.)
In other news, secondly, Beyond the Fog is still being worked on! Had to take a little time to fully realize the scope of what I was working with, and I feel more comfortable continuing the story. The beginning of its 2nd season should start sometime this summer as well if all things go smoothly. Looking to release Episode 5 by June/July!
(Progress shot of Episode 5)
Thirdly, A little installment of Solace is being worked on as well in conjunction with BtF. It's an experiment using a different method of storytelling, but nonetheless exciting! Hex is finally moving, and he has a friend apparently! This one should also be done by July as well.
(Progress shot of Episode 1)
For now, that's it!** I also took some time to relax after animating, and it's helped with developing newer stories for the foreseeable future. Most of the ideas have some fleshed-out stories with some accompanying images, but it won't be something I'll touch until I get my current stuff done. For the time being though, I'll continue to do my best to get these projects done the best I can, and I hope to keep you guys interested! (Critique's always welcome.)
** ...ok maybe I have an origin story in the works. 2022.
Looking forward to it!