Greetings, and welcome to my Newgrounds page! I'm a Graphic Designer and 2D Animator! Currently, I'm working on Chaotic Heart, Beyond the Fog, and Solace. Contact E-mail: 9hammeranims@gmail.com

Age 28, Male

Professional Artist

University of Central Florida


Joined on 12/2/12

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9Hammer's News

Posted by 9Hammer - September 3rd, 2021



If you need some animation work done, I'm able to help! I've set some time aside after getting a sizeable amount of work done for Beyond the Fog, Chaotic Heart, & Solace, and I'm eager to help/work on one of your projects!

(More information as to what I can do is in the doc.)

Email: 9hammeranims@gmail.com

Info doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/105Aa2eP6E_-Rz_-Szb8bYJaVW5oq906V5a_93WxyI1M/edit?usp=sharing




Posted by 9Hammer - August 1st, 2021

Season 2, baby.


Nah, but seriously. Beyond the Fog was on hiatus for a while now, and I think it's time to bring it back! Episode 5 is almost done and should be making the rounds soon. Want to bring this back in full force!

(Additionally, Episode 6 + 7 are fully storyboarded and being worked on as well.)

That's all. Hope to see you soon!



Posted by 9Hammer - May 23rd, 2021


Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I've been laser-focused on getting the next two episodes (4 & 5) of Chaotic Heart done and ready. The latter might take a month or two more, but the 4th episode should be arriving this Friday!


(Screenshot of Episode 4)

Familiar faces will make the rounds again, and I hope this one will be worth the wait! Episode 5 of Chaotic Heart will sort of being a companion piece to this one, and it's gonna be quite the animated task. Hoping to get it out by the end of this Summer (likely July)!


(Progress shot of Episode 5. Amber seems to have a lot of screen time, lol.)

In other news, secondly, Beyond the Fog is still being worked on! Had to take a little time to fully realize the scope of what I was working with, and I feel more comfortable continuing the story. The beginning of its 2nd season should start sometime this summer as well if all things go smoothly. Looking to release Episode 5 by June/July!


(Progress shot of Episode 5)

Thirdly, A little installment of Solace is being worked on as well in conjunction with BtF. It's an experiment using a different method of storytelling, but nonetheless exciting! Hex is finally moving, and he has a friend apparently! This one should also be done by July as well.


(Progress shot of Episode 1)

For now, that's it!** I also took some time to relax after animating, and it's helped with developing newer stories for the foreseeable future. Most of the ideas have some fleshed-out stories with some accompanying images, but it won't be something I'll touch until I get my current stuff done. For the time being though, I'll continue to do my best to get these projects done the best I can, and I hope to keep you guys interested! (Critique's always welcome.)


** ...ok maybe I have an origin story in the works. 2022.




Posted by 9Hammer - February 5th, 2021

Hello Hello!


Hope you're all doing well. First and foremost, I'm super grateful for the FP on Chaotic Heart's newest installment! Was definitely a learning experience working with a 9-minute narrative, but I plan on keeping this momentum going for the near future. Speaking of which...


Episode 4: Strike the Core!!

Release Date: [May?]

Yep, we got another one coming! Can't say too much on the story narrative here, but just know that there's quite a bit of action planned for this one, and a similar length to the one recently released. At the moment, I'll be making an effort to focus more on animation since a little bit of time opened up, but we'll see how it goes. So far, I feel that things are going very swiftly! Hopefully, it stays that way, lol.


(I'm also attempting to work up some little, early-access story bits for patrons as well, but the dates for those are TBA as well. Nonetheless, I'll be posting some behind-the-scenes stuff there when I can!)



Episode 5: [Title TBA]

Release Date: 2021 Q3


It's coming back! Been about a hal-a-year, but I'm working on a new episode here whenever I can! A bit spoiler-y if I were to show off a bit more of it, but the plan here is to have a new episode sometime later down the road. Season 2 for this series marks the half-way point for the original script for this, but if folks would like to see this series continue past these next several episodes, I'm willing to make an effort to do so.


Felt like the first season was quite the rollercoaster in terms of style, so I hope in this season, the style is a bit more refined for the characters!


That's all I got for now! A little update, but I really do appreciate the folks that have recently tagged along and the ones that have been here for some time. For the near future, I hope to continue creating new, refreshing stories for who knows how long. Hoping for the best!




Posted by 9Hammer - January 9th, 2021


Yo yo!

Hope you folks are doing well! Super happy with people enjoying the recent installment of Chaotic Heart, and I hope to continue with it further this year. Was kind of a big one to animate and produce, but I definitely learned a lot from it! What's to come with this series in the future?


There's a lot more coming for this series, and I'm hoping to release things in a more timely manner than before. The next episode (Chaotic Heart: Loose Ends) is, well, actually scheduled to be released later this month, January 29th! I had this actually in production for a few months prior whilst working on side projects to test my multitasking. Kinda wanted to see how working with a new animation routine would work out, and I feel that it's working pretty well.

There's quite a bit in store in this one in particular. This 4th installment might just be my longest animated episode to date and all of the characters in this series are gonna make an appearance in this one with a lot of new faces as well (the VAs here did an amazing job with their roles)! Hoping for the best with it when the time comes!


(Oh, and Beyond the Fog's coming back soon-ish.)




Posted by 9Hammer - November 24th, 2020

Hi folks!


I apologize for the recent inactivity, but I've been working scripting, storyboarding, and animating new episodes for Chaotic Heart. It honestly feels like I'm working on this series on a somewhat full-time basis, hah. Currently, I'm working on animating some future episodes past Episode 3: Loose Ends, and I hope to have this series on a better posting schedule. Its looking good at the moment, and it might actually feel like a series this time instead of episodes that are too far spread out.

Hope to kick things into high gear by January 2021! Hopefully, lol.

( Also, thank you to the patrons SidewalkSavanna & Vamperoni! https://www.patreon.com/9Hammer )




Posted by 9Hammer - October 5th, 2020

Heya. It's been some time since my last update.


Lost of things happening with projects (and life) recently, and it's been rough, honestly, though I make sure to keep my head up for the future. Relating to animated projects as a whole, it's going pretty swiftly, but I'm starting to think that I may be biting off more than I can chew. Not sure how/why I decided to take up 4 animated projects projects at once, but here I am, hah. It's gotta get done somehow, as long as I'm not stressing myself out too much! Regardless of the amount of work, I hope to continue with story narratives and side projects.

In other news I figure I get some updates to you folks on Chaotic Heart!



Upcoming Episode: Episode 3 - Loose Ends

Release Date: TBA

After a bit of time recollecting on my animation style, and critiques on the recent episode of Chaotic Heart (thanks a bunch), I feel like a step towards a more "sakuga"-ish style would be best. It is roughly 1.5 times the work in comparison to before, however I've started to find ways to not take shortcuts and "actually" animate for a change, lol. Kind of what I did in Episode 1! Still working on the keyframes and cel animations, though this project has been my main focus as of late. I feel that writing wise, it will be a bit more enjoyable (and bearable), hopefully. Lots of new faces + VAs are going to make an appearance!


Also, I've been starting to reveal the VA's recently for the project! (Starting with Sophia)


If all things go smoothly, I'm expecting it to be one of the longest animated episodes I'll make to date. I don't expect it to take a long time to finish, but I have to make sure I don't burn out as a result. Stuff like this could cause that, but I feel confident about time management.


Welp, that's essentially it for now! Don't worry, I'm gradually working on both Beyond the Fog and Solace, and I'll likely get to updating them soon-ish. Honestly, I'm surprised that I even got to this point with these animated projects. My sort of goal for the long term is to create a lot of varied stories for who knows how long. Anyways, enough of this bi-guy talking about nonsense, lol. I'll get back to getting this episode done!


Have a good one guys!




Posted by 9Hammer - July 22nd, 2020

Hope you guys are doing well. Currently finalizing things with Beyond the Fog: Episode 4 in terms of keys/cels, and I hope to have it out on August 21st!


Hopefully, things will go smoothly in terms of post-production and mixing so this episode can get out on time. If you stuck out for this long, I deeply appreciate your patience, and am sorry for the wait. As this will sort of be a "season end" for Beyond the Fog, that doesn't mean I'm done with it's story. I hope to create something big in the future...


A 30-minute film. Eventually.

(Also, working on getting the next episode of Chaotic Heart out sometime in late Fall/Winter! Complete with voice acting! Nonetheless, thanks for reading this brief update, lol)




Posted by 9Hammer - June 9th, 2020

Hello, hello!

Hope that you folks are doing well. I've been pretty tied up in projects and what not, and I figured that I'd take some time to give you guys a little update on how things are going. Gonna just jump right into it!



Upcoming Episode: Episode 4 - Rising Warriors

Release Date: July/August

Yep! This is definitely still in production, and Sen and Valerie are gonna need a miracle to end Abyss' tyranny. At the moment, I'm working with a buncha' key frames here so I can make animating this episode go a lot more swimmingly. Ever since Episode 2's production some time ago, I learned a lot with time management and creating character designs that'll be a lot more fun to work with. The time I'm looking to release this may be in a couple of months give things go well with animating.


Some WIPs of this episode I'll post to Twitter and here when I get the chance (with a few more goodies on Patreon), but I'll be prioritizing getting all of the key frames done. The story will continue soon!




Upcoming Episode: TBA

Release Date: Q3/4 2020

Just wanna say, the overwhelming and welcoming feedback for the start of this story is incredible, and I heavily appreciate it! Y'know, I figure that I can probably clarify some things about the characters that you saw in the animation, since it'll help in the long run.


Pictured above, the duo consists of Kai and Indigo (the sentient hat), and they are essentially bounty hunters that have chemistry down to a T when it comes to dealing with threats! The first encounter that they had in the recent animation was against a long time rival Sophia, who is out to hunt Indigo, a demon himself. Whilst somewhat reckless, Sophia has similar motives to Kai, but with more of a destructive end result. In conjunction to Kai's combat abilities and harnessing energy to use against her enemies, Indigo is a demon of hindsight, aiding Kai in spotting potential bounties and demons that may catch them of guard. Lots of new encounters and foreboding demons will make their appearances later on in the story!


Currently, I'm working on story boarding the 2nd episode of Chaotic Heart, which I hope to have finished within a week or two. The final animation itself will likely come to fruition sometime later this year, but I'll be updating this series in a similar way as Beyond the Fog via WIPs!




I'll be honest, I wish I had the time to work on some other side projects, but I do my best to work on them as steadily as possible. As much as I want to animate different things, gotta balance and have some main projects to create a narrative! Though, whenever I am working on projects on the side, they are kind of like little breakaways from what I usually do and they can be fun! Above and below are two perspective ones that I've been kind of on-and-off with, but the plan is to finish both of them sometime next year.

Oh, and Solace is still a thing! Don't worry!


(Sadly, this isn't the final cut, lol.)



If you've gotten this far, thank you for reading (if you did)! It's been so long since the last formal update on how things are going, and I hope that this update helped clear the waters. By the way, if you aren't aware of where else you can find me in the wild wes- I mean, internet, here are some links to other places that you can find me:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy19tcWgf4xCGyjjcEnl_qg

Twitter: https://twitter.com/9Hammer

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/9Hammer

Soon, I'll be updating the Patreon with some extra goodies from whichever project I'm working on. I'll see if I can get some bonus material of both Beyond the Fog and Chaotic Heart very soon! The plan with it is to help aid with having some folks on board with these projects to help expedite things, and maybe I'll start doing some early access material too with animations!


Anyways, I hope you folks have a good one!




Posted by 9Hammer - May 1st, 2020

Hey, I'm looking 2 for Background Character Designers!


I'm currently offering $125 each for 2 artists to help with creating 3 lagomorph designs each for the animation Solace! If you're interested, submit examples of your work here: 9hammeranims@gmail.com

(DL: 5/4, 11:59pm EST)

Kind of testing the waters again with this sort of thing! Also, any sort of submission involving designs of either human and/or anthro characters is fine too! Lagomorph designs are definitely a plus, but any sort of experience with character designs works here.
